The Blog
How to Get Longer Lasting Botox Results.
Botox results typically last three to four months. We know now that if you increase the dosage with Botox, you can increase the longevity of results. Learn from Dr. Heather Friedman how and why increasing Botox dosage leads to longer lasting results.
Enhancing Safety with Ultrasound Imaging
Dr. Heather Friedman is proud to introduce ultrasound imaging technology into her NE Portland practice. She invested in this technology as a means to enhance patient safety. The ultrasound tool also allows Dr. Heather to visualize filler existence and placement. She is excited to integrate this new technology into her aesthetically focused practice.
Planning for the big event
Botox, fillers, peels, and microneedling can be super helpful in getting ready for your big event. It’s prudent to time these aesthetic treatments accordingly because effects such as swelling and bruising are highly likely. Intentional timing around these treatments allows for proper healing and integration. This week Dr. Heather Friedman writes on how to best plan for your next big event.
The Brow Lift Blog
The brows play a big role in our overall aesthetic. Botox injections have the power to shape and contour the brows to your desired aesthetic. Learn the nuances associated with the Botox Brow Lift and Dr. Heather’s individualized approach.
How Much Does Botox Cost in Portland, OR?
Botox injections in NE Portland are sold in measurements of units. An average cost per unit for Botox in NE Portland ranges from $12-$17. How much Botox we use depends on the individual and their goals. A full Botox treatment is 64 units with the range of Botox units between 20 - 80 units per session.
Botox Portland: Pre-treatment Recommendations
As with any medical grade aesthetic treatment in NE Portland, bruising can happen. Learn how you can best prepare for your next Botox appointment to minimize the risk of bruising with Botox injetoions.
Portland Injectables
Check out the injectable services offered at our Portland clinic. Whether you’re interested in filler, Sculptra, or Botox, it’s recommended to begin your Dr. Heather journey in Portland with a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your goals and come up with a plan.
Learnings From Injection Course Cadaver Lab
This past weekend I spent all day Saturday in cadaver training with a renowned injector/educator Dr. Arthur Swift and professor of anatomy Sebastian Cotofano. In groups of four, we had an opportunity to ‘inject and dissect,’ appreciating the intricate anatomy of the face with a visual of where filler and other injectables go when we inject. This opportunity to learn from the best and in this type of setting has no doubt improved my skills!
Botox For Rosacea
If you experience rosacea and continued redness and flushing of the face despite other treatments, botox injections are worth a consideration. This treatment has been used for over ten years and has proven safe and effective for the persistent symptoms associated with rosacea. Schedule a complimentary consultation or ask me about this at your next treatment.
Probiotics and Skin Health
Probiotic foods contain the ‘good’ bugs our bodies require, and prebiotics are fiber-rich foods that probiotics feed and grow on.
This is 40.
Thanks for taking the time to click and read. Life gets hectic around this time of year. For me it’s the holidays, my kiddo’s birthday (she’s FIVE), my birthday (I’m 40), and other end-of-year business. I’ve been a little overwhelmed by it all which seems compounded by the stressors we all experience. I, like you, want my life to have meaning; I want my work to have a positive impact, my environmental footprint small, to have health, and for my friends and family to feel the enormity of love I have for them.
Fall into Winter for Optimal Skin
This week’s topic is inspired by the recent daylight savings change and the seemingly ‘sudden’ shift into winter with shorter and darker days. It’s almost reflexive to reject the change however through observation and a bit of adaptation, I believe we set ourselves up for better health. This week I point out three observations from nature and how we can live in accordance during this season. The week’s topic is inspired by my formal Chinese medicine training where it is believed that by harmonizing oneself with the seasons, you can stay healthier and prevent disease.
Common Questions Answered: Botox Cosmetic
On average, I perform about 20 neuromodulator treatments per week, with three years of injecting experience and I use Botox Cosmetic 99% of the time (Dysport 1%).
Connecting Acupuncture and Botox
As you may know, I am formally trained in Chinese Medicine. During a neuromodulator treatment (ie Botox or Dysport), we needle common acupuncture points. This week we learn about acupuncture, common points treated with Botox, and why we use these points.
Blood Sugar and Aging Skin
Our lifestyle choices impact the quality of our skin. Past writings have taught us that inflammation, microbiome imbalance, and oxidative damage can set the stage for unwanted outcomes like acne, dermatitis, skin cancers, and accelerated aging. This week we learn how blood sugar issues also impact the health of our skin. The information is inspired by Dr. Trevor Cates, author of Clean Skin From Within: The Spa Doctor’s 2-Week Program to Glowing, Naturally Youthful Skin.
Gardening for your Skin
The garden is going off; I have a jungle of sunflowers, a dehydrator full of asian pears, and every day we’re eating tomatoes, cucumbers, and/or beans. I come from gardeners (we pretty much all do). I remember snacking on cherry tomatoes in my grandma’s garden, eggplant from Auntie Linnea’s, and that time Auntie Val planted a strawberry garden in our backyard. My mama’s got a vegetable-producing touch that I only aspire to and my Auntie Val homesteads her way into winter. Watching a garden grow and flower and fruit makes me happy. I believe that having a garden, even if it’s only a pot of herbs, sets the stage for healthy, clear, and youthful skin. This week I show how having a garden supports optimal skin.
Healthy Skin Begins with a Healthy Body
The state of our skin may represent the state of our inner health. Skin is our LARGEST organ and when our digestion, hormones, blood sugar, immunity, and other body systems are imbalanced, this can manifest through the skin. We often treat the skin without considering the possible underlying issues. This week I discuss two possible causes behind symptomatic skin, adapted from the book Clean Skin From Within by Dr. Trevor Cates.
Bro Tox: Botox for Men
Men are not immune from the aging process, and it’s been my experience that most men are open to effective aesthetic treatments. Portland Botox injections are the most common treatment in my practice sought out by men. This is because they are effective, require no down time, and give natural results. Commonly referred to as “Bro tox,” this week I discuss botulinum toxin injections for men.