Vitamin B12 Injections: Who, What, Where, When

Vitamin B12

Back in the day when I first started practice, my dear friend Dr. Kasten and I held a B12 Happy Hour once a week.  This quickly became a sought-after event, and while COVID shut the happy hour down, B12 injection remains a service I offer.  This week I discuss what vitamin B12 is, who is most susceptible to deficiency, and its benefits. . 

Vitamin B12 is an essential water soluble vitamin.  Essential because we need to obtain this from our diet, and water soluble because it is readily absorbed in water and into tissues for immediate use (as opposed to fat soluble vitamins which are stored in the body).  We get this vitamin mainly from animal foods like red meat, dairy and eggs so vegetarians, vegans, and those with restricted diets are commonly deficient (1).  Deficiency is also seen with malabsorption, particularly in the elderly and with poor digestion.  When we don’t have enough vitamin B12, our body becomes more vulnerable to physical and emotional stressors, making us more susceptible to symptoms associated with aging and other pathologies. 

Who is most susceptible to B12 deficiency (2): 

  • Those with digestive disorders such as IBD and gastric resections 

  • Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (Prilosec) for more than 12 months 

  • Use of Histamine (H2) blockers to treat heartburn for more than 12 months 

  • Vegans or strict vegetarians 

  • Adults over 75 years old 

Four Reasons to Get B12 Injections: 

Healthy Pregnancy - You may know that folate is essential for a pregnant woman to prevent birth defects like spina bifida.  When we get into the biochemistry of B12 and folate metabolism, we learn that B12 plays a role in the folate cycle.  Studies consistently show a 2-4 fold increase in neural tube defects with low B12 status (3).

It’s Good for the Heart - Elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity are all risk factors for heart disease.  Elevated homocysteine levels are also a possible risk factor and vitamin B12 and folate supplementation lower homocysteine levels.  Further, those with higher B12 levels and taking high dose vitamins had better outcomes with stroke, death, and heart events compared to those with lower B12 levels and taking low dose vitamins (3).

Crucial for Proper Functioning of your Brain and Nervous system - Vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly important for the brain and nervous system, because of its role in folate metabolism and DNA production.  Symptoms associated with folate and B12 deficiency include: depression, agitation, sleep impairment, and lack of motivation (4).

Healthy Aging - B12 deficiency is associated with age related macular degeneration and fragility.  Those with the lowest B12 levels had the biggest risk of decline in physical function and development of muscle wasting, diminished strength, and weight loss (5).

You can schedule a vitamin injection directly through the website.  The appointment takes about 10 minutes and requires no downtime.  Aside from a pinch sensation with the injection, the treatment is fast, safe, and accessible.  



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