Common Questions Answered: Dermal Fillers

Dermal Filler Portland

How many filler procedures have you performed?

Over the past three years, I have performed hundreds of dermal filling services and as of this writing, I average about 10 fill treatments a week.  The most popular areas to treat with filler include: lips, cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds, jawline, and under eye area.  

Can you show me before and after pics?

Check out my google business page and instagram page (@drheatherfriedman) for a portfolio of before-and-afters.  

What measures are being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19?

Masks are required in the office and employees have been vaccinated.  Each client receives a reminder text with our current COVID-19 office policy.  Masks are often removed in my treatment room to do the procedures so in response, a HEPA filter runs during business hours.  The room is wiped down with antimicrobial agents between clients.

How can I ensure better results or quicker recovery?

To help prevent prolonged bruising, avoid blood thinning agents for one week prior to treatment.  These include: aspirin, NSAIDS, fish oil, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, red wine, dark chocolate, and grapefruit.  Don’t discontinue any medications prescribed by your physician without consulting with them first.  

What are the risks associated with this procedure?

Early side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising which is actually a normal reaction to injecting a foreign substance into the skin.  This is best addressed with ice and bruises can also be treated with arnica and vitamin K cream.  If an allergy to the product exists, then an allergic reaction is possible.  Lumps and bumps can also occur; most issues self resolve however occasionally we have to manage the issue.  If the filler gets into an artery, it can cause an occlusion at which case we need to dissolve the filler.  Infection is also a potential risk (1).  Very rare, there have been instances of vision loss with filler (2).  

What is the procedure like?

Upon arriving at the clinic, pictures are taken, medical intake completed, and consent forms are reviewed.  For most procedures, a prescription grade topical numbing cream is applied and we discuss the treatment and your goals.  Once we are ready, you are provided a distraction toy and the procedure begins.  The most sensation is when the needle enters the skin, but there really shouldn’t be pain.  As we work closer to the mouth and lip area, the face becomes more sensitive and the procedure more uncomfortable.  On average, you can expect to get ‘touch-ups’ annually.  

What is recovery like?

In most cases, there is minimal recovery time.  For 24-48 hours you will likely experience soreness and potential bruising. Most can return to their normal activity right after the treatment; some even come during their lunchtime.  There are very few restrictions with fillers. 

How long will it take before I start to see results?

Results can be immediate with about 2 weeks weeks to fully recover from bruising and swelling. 

When can I go back to work and/or the gym, and when can I resume wearing makeup and using skin-care products?

I recommend taking the day of treatment off from work for your first time and you’ll want to avoid the gym for about 48 hours.  Makeup and skin care products can be used 24-48 hours from procedure.

How long do the results last and what do I need to do to maintain them?

Results last from 6 month to 2 years, depending on which product and quantity used.  Keeping up with your treatments will help maintain results.



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