In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the blood is considered the vehicle for our qi, or our life force. Is it any wonder then that wielding this powerful essence toward aesthetic ends can be transformative? 

This week I’m delighted to share about one of my favorite offerings, the Workhorse PRP Facial AKA the Blood Facial. Through the blood, we utilize the body’s wisdom to replenish the skin.  PRP can also be used in the scalp to promote hair growth.

Because each treatment applies a product that is entirely of one’s own body and essence, every person’s results will be natural and unique based on the healing intelligence of their own blood.

So what is PRP? 

First, a bit about our blood. The blood contains red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Red blood cells transport our oxygen and carbon dioxide, and white blood cells defend against disease. Platelets support clotting and release growth factors, and plasma is the liquid transporter of the blood.

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, and utilizes the platelet and plasma aspects of our blood. PRP facials specifically utilize the growth factor of platelets to encourage collagen and fibrin growth to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate hair follicles on the scalp.

PRP is a concentration of your platelets separated from your whole blood to consist of a treatment that is completely your own (AKA autologous).

What can it be used for?

The PRP treatment calls on the body’s wisdom of the blood to stimulate growth, specifically for hair growth, under eye dark circle and skin crepiness, and general skin rejuvenation. With my Workhorse PRP Facial, we customize the treatment to meet your individual goals. 

What to expect during a treatment

We begin with discussing your goals and by taking pictures to help us visualize the results and track our progress. We then perform a blood draw of 1-2 tubes  from the arm, and then we generously numb the skin of the face and neck. The blood is then entered into the centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets from the whole blood.

For my Workhorse Facial service, I apply superficial injections of the platelet rich-mixture into the skin of the face and neck. Then microneedling comes in to help integrate the treatment and add extra collagen stimulation. 

For the hair and head, we will begin by icing and then repeat the process above. 

Treatments will be tailored to the individual. Whether you want to focus on the under eye, the lips, neck, and/or the whole face, we will make a plan accordingly, and can choose our areas of focus per visit.

To mimic the medical literature and to maximize outcomes, a series of treatments of 3-6 treatments is recommended spaced about one month apart.  

Link here to read an article written a while back about one reporter's experience have this very treatment with me. 

Thanks for reading, 


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